Chemical Biotypes of Depression and Individualized Nutrient Therapy
Is depression really only about the psychological symptoms you feel? In a study completed in May 2014, researchers found that five major depression biotypes represented roughly 95% of the 2,800 patients that were part of the research study. Those biotypes included:
- Undermethylation 38% of patients reporting depression, anxiety, OCD tendencies, perfectionism, and a positive response to SSRI antidepressants. Undermethylation of chromatin has also been associated with excessive gene expression of SERT and increased serotonin reuptake.
- Folate deficiency represented 20% of patients reporting high anxiety, sleep problems, food and chemical sensitivities, intolerance to SSRIs, and benefits from folate therapy or benzodiazapines.
- 17% of depression patients exhibited elevated serum copper. Most (95%) of this group were females and had a high incidence of post-partum depression, estrogen intolerance, tinnitus, and skin sensitivity.
- 15% of patients exhibited pyrrole disorder and reported extreme mood swings, fears, anger explosions, poor short-term memory, partial improvements from SSRIs, and benefits from zinc and B-6.
- The smallest group 5% involved overloads of lead, mercury, or other toxic metals.
This study emphasizes and supports the importance of advanced nutrient therapy, functional medicine, and more.